Flee my Anxiety

Daily Prompt: Flee

Flee, this word covers so many different things in my head. I wish I could Flee from my anxiety, I wish I could Flee from my mental disabilities. I WISH I COULD FLEE FROM MY FEARS, ANGER, PAIN, HATRED AND THOUGHTS. But I’m trapped. I’m trapped in a never ending cycle of torment. I bully myself unwillingly. If I could run away from these things I put myself through because of my anxiety I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I wouldn’t be a fighter. I wouldn’t be a survivor. I wouldn’t be my own hero on the days that I do succeed. So, I can’t Flee. I can’t run. I can’t hide. I can’t avoid the denoms plaguing my thoughts. So, I don’t Flee. I fight. I fight to keep my head above water as I continue to drown in a sea of my own tears. But there is hope. Hope that maybe one day, I can Flee from my anxiety.

3 thoughts on “Flee my Anxiety

  1. Hi. Reading this, I’m really glad that we found each other’s blog here in this blogosphere. I stand for all the people that fight daily battles in their lives, and your story is inspiring. I’m happy that you’re blogging about this, as I’ve found that writing is very therapeutic.

    You’re also in good company here. You will find encouragement and good listeners. I hope to get to know you more through your posts.

    Stay strong, daily warrior!

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      1. I’m happy that you still have hope. As long as we believe that we can do it.. I think we really can.

        Hope to see you around my blog. It’s a collection of positive thoughts that I tell myself, for others to see. So we can all fight life’s battles together. ❤

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